Perl практика

Другие компоненты формы.


#/usr/bin/perl5 -w

use strict; use CGI qw(:standard);

print header; print start_html("Ice Cream Stand"), h1("Ice Cream Stand"); if(param()) { my $who = param("name"); my $flavor = param("flavor"); my $scoops = param("scoops"); my $taxrate = 1.0743; my $cost = sprintf("%.2f", $taxrate * (1.00 + $scoops*0.25)); print p("Ok, $who, have $scoops scoops of $flavor for\$$cost."); } else { print hr(); print start_form(); print p("What is your name? ", textfield("name")); print p("What flavor: ", popup_menu("flavor", ['mint', 'cherry', 'mocha'])); print p("How many scoops? ", popup_menu("scoops", [1..3])); print p(submit("order"), reset("clear")); print end_form(), hr(); } print end_html();

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